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Important information regarding change of electricity meters

We need to get in touch with you regarding change of electricity meter - as soon as possible

Therefore, we urge you to contact us as soon as possible in order to book an appointment for a meter change. Mail to or call +46 680 242 00.

In order to provide you with information about the background to the meter change and try to provide adequate information about the regulations, we will clarify the rights and obligations that come with being an electricity network company and electricity network customer (electricity user) at an electricity system connected to our electricity network.

Assistance via the Swedish Enforcement Agency

If you do not voluntarily fulfill your obligations in the agreement, we are forced to use the process set in the constitution, which in this case is a process with so-called assistance via the Swedish Enforcement Agency. We must do this so that we can comply with the laws, ordinances and regulations that obliges us as electricity network companies. All costs for these measures will be borne by you.

Background to the meter change

For several years, the electricity market has undergone various changes, one of which was to read the consumption of consumers monthly in arrears, by registering the meter reading at the end of each month at 00:00. This was only made possible by remotely collecting the measured value at that time by sending the measured value by telephony / radio from the meter at your place, to our collection center. All equipment used is type approved by the relevant authorities (certified), to be used in the environment in which they are installed.

The next step in the development of the rules was that hourly measurement was introduced. Partly mandatory for some customers and optional for others. Hourly measurement means that we no longer handle meter readings at the turn of the month, but register 24 measured values a day and handle the composite measured values into a series. Hourly measurements will also soon be developed to an accuracy of 15 minutes, meaning 4 times as many measured values. The meters must also be able to be used for so-called smart functions by 2025 and be able to be operated remotely.

Common rules for the whole of Europe apply to the control and approval of new types of electricity meters in accordance with the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID). RISE is a notified organization for MID and can thus issue approvals for the whole EU. All this testing is accredited by SWEDAC, the official accreditation company in Sweden.

Rights and obligations as an electricity network company

It is not on our initiative that the meters on a number of occasions have received increased requirements for new technology / function. It is both EU directives and political decisions in the Swedish Parliament that we are obliged to implement in accordance with specified statutes. Our obligations as electricity network company are based on the regulation in the Electricity Act (SFS 1997: 857), with associated ordinance (SFS 2013: 208) and regulations, where the most important regarding the handling of measuring devices is found in the Measurement Regulations (EIFS 2016: 2).

In addition to the above statutes, the established industry terms that constitute standard terms for connection of electricity and transmission of electricity, also called General Contract Terms, also are applied. In your case, it is NÄT2012K (rev2) that is applied. They are negotiated with the Swedish Consumer Agency, which represents the consumer collective in these negotiations.

Rights and obligations as an electricity user

The electricity network company does not own and is not responsible for paying for, installing, or maintaining a cabinet for the measuring device (the meter cabinet). On the other hand, it is an obligation for the electricity user to provide a meter cabinet that meets the applicable standard. The function of the meter cabinet and the only permitted use is for the placement and function of the measuring device. In connection with us replacing your electricity meter, we can help to move the meter, if it is now placed indoors, to an outdoor meter cabinet. This is a cost (for cabinets and moving) that the customer must pay.

There is also an obligation for the electricity user to give us access to the facility and the measuring device. This obligation is stated in NÄT2012K, sections 3.5, 3.13 and 3.14. That we have the right to replace the electricity meter is clear from the fact that we as the electricity network company own the meter and are responsible for its functionality.

Physical / medical reaction on the electricity meter (electrical hypersensitivity)

We would also like to comment on concerns regarding harmful “radiation” from our equipment used to measure your electricity consumption and transfer measured values to our system.

Power frequency electric and magnetic fields are everywhere where there is electric current. They occur when electricity is produced, transported or used. Radio frequency fields come from mobile telephony, wireless computer networks, electronic monitoring systems with several technologies. The electromagnetic fields decrease rapidly with the distance from the source. In homes, elevated exposure levels from high-frequency magnetic fields are very unusual.

It has long been studied whether and, if so, how, electromagnetic fields, both power-frequency and radio-frequency, can adversely affect human health. The Swedish Public Health Agency monitors research conducted in this area, but does not conduct its own research. Their guidance is based, among other things, on what the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority’s Scientific Council consider in the matter.

As you have probably realized when reading this, as electricity network companies we are not the right forum to discuss these issues because we only execute what is established in the Swedish Parliament and with relevant authorities.

The supervisory authority that monitors the electricity network companies is Energimarknadsinspektionen, where you as electricity users can complain about us, if you believe that we are not fulfilling our obligations.